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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

31 March 2008 Monday

Ramble / grey

slated in mused at 5:53 am

I think the “I hate China” comments have tapered off. Hurrah! I’m still bewildered all around by it.

Despite the cause for suggestion, I’m not actually thinking less than I used to… I’m just not trying as hard to push those thoughts toward conclusions.

I’ve realized that, after finally finishing Neverwhere (Gaiman) a couple of weeks ago (after reading it off and on and between other books for the past several months), I haven’t really picked up another book regularly most probably because I can’t decide which book to read next. Rather sad to be overwhelmed by leisure reading.
This morning I happily digested a story from Dreamsongs (R.R. Martin) .. I think it was called The Lost Lands.

I really liked that R.R. Martin put into words (perhaps a bit more plainly/thoroughly than necessary..) the concept of grey and shadow being where strength and power lie. It’s not in pure white or black, good or bad, day or night. I remember arguments with a friend in college who believed very vehemently in the power of pure good and its simple strength in the face of evil, always. (He’s changed his mind since then, whether my arguments won out or not.) I’m not going to get into a lengthy explanation or argument about it in this post, but it has always made sense to me that pure white/good cannot face or comprehend the dark/evil.. and pure anything is brittle and too easily tainted or broken. It’s true with colors, with blood, with people.
Someone else mentioned in a comment on this site about how the Furion Riddick (Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick) could be so formidable because he had both elements of good and bad and a willingness to exercise both.

Besides, we rise out of conflict. Some/(most) of the most powerful heroes/characters are those that have fallen from good, or risen from shame/hurt/sorrow/strife/hurt/bad.
Riddick never becomes white, Amir (Kite Runner) never becomes pure/clean.. but their negative backgrounds mold them into powerful good. My thoughts on this might also explain my thoughts on Admiral Cain (Battlestar Galactica). Also probably ties into my views on Batman/Superman/Lex.
But boy do I digress.
I’ve already talked about this (much) more than I intended.. I just meant to say that I appreciated that concept expressed in the story. And it was a really good story.

Comments on Ramble / grey

  1. Huli

    I totally agree. That’s actually a very common story/myth motif. Even in the Christian New Testament we have Mary Magdalene, the whore (well established)/wife/13th disciple of Jesus (highly disputed hypothesis), Paul, the tax-collector/persecutor/murderer of the Christians who was knocked off his mount by a blast of light as Jesus spoke to him and then became the greatest promoter of Christianity to the gentiles. Hercules became a demigod only after killing his children in a mad rage induced by Hera and then completing the twelve labours.

    You also have the god Abraxas who is God and Satan, the ultimate repository of both good and evil. The Hindu and Greek gods are also more grey, like Cali and Hera.

    I feel more affinity to gods like Abraxas and the others. If god is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient then nothing, absolutely nothing happens that god doesn’t wish to be so: “What God wants, God gets.” – Roger Waters

    commented Wed 06 May 2009, 6:12:36 PM :: link
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