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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

07 July 2008 Monday


love is not conditional

slated in mused at 9:39 pm

If others don’t care, why should I?
Then really, why should anyone care at all?

Perhaps it’s not too different from believing in some things simply because the alternative is crap..
but given the choice, shouldn’t we choose awareness, responsibility, life?
I guess believing in crap is also a choice.

I do think there are wrong answers. Thing is, can’t really know who has what right until the very end, and when is that, really? And what matters either way? I think it’s those things that matter no matter what — no matter where and who and how and why and if and what the ends are — those are the things that are worth something. No conditionals.

No conditionals. No “if you love me back” no “if you are there” no “if this happens” or “if I end up here” or “if I get this” or “if you give me back” or “if ___ exists”…
No conditionals. No buts. If we’re talking absolute truths, in or out of hypotheticals, the things that are real and that truly matter will not have any conditions attached.

Real love, whatever and however it is, is not conditional.

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