23 April 2004 Friday
moving along / moving on
memory is most always clearest by the person who was wronged, rather than the person(s) charged with the wronging.
that in mind or aside, it is a terrible frustration to realize that: a) whatever your hurt stemmed from, the perpetrator does not recall the incident that so terribly impacted you. b) whatever your memory tells you of the thing that caused you pain, it turns out to be, or is alleged to be, false.
it really is a terrible continuance of fundamentally unmendable frustration.
fascinating how you can fall out of being enamored with a person, but still be bound to all the wrongs they caused you. the strife is where the passion collected and remains, at the end, neh?
i wish i understood more. all of it, from the different sides and the stages of growth / movement / interpretation / evolution…
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