25 April 2005 Monday
What the bleep do we know?
Watched “What the bleep do we know?” tonight.. parents had rented it and watched yesterday.
First of all, the title is not the only racy thing about it. I’m warning you: don’t let kids watch this unless you’re prepared for the sexual connotations and flat-out vulgarism. Was so much fun watching it with Mom and Dad and little brother.
Actually, though, I don’t really get squeamish about this stuff.. though a lot of it wasn’t really my taste…
There was a point when I did seriously cover my ears. She was cursing and degrading herself in front of a mirror, and I took a good while of that, and then just stopped. That’s one thing that’s always been pretty strong with me.. I don’t know if that came more from Silva or from Lotus Human Values or my mother’s insistence that speaking negatively, especially about oneself, manifests the negative in yourself. So I have a hard time with any sort of self-deprecating language, whether saying it or hearing it. Instinctively, I don’t say it. I don’t clearly think it either. And I can’t really play songs that are self-disparaging.. Sometimes I can, now, if the song is really that good, besides..or if I’m trying to be okay with a song because a friend holds it in high regard. But if I find myself trying to sing along, or even trace the words along with the song in my head.. I quickly subsequently delete the song from my collection, and that’s that. I could almost do “Teenage Dirtbag”.. I thoroughly couldn’t do “Loser”. I don’t even like writing them. it’s core of me. I’m glad for it.
This movie/documentary was a lil slow in some ways, but pretty cool. Quantum physics. None of it new for me.. but some of it very nicely worded. And i like having the ideas floated around and shared. Not too many people to have these conversations with. I mean, to treat it completely theoretically, a good number of my friends would surely be at least halfway interested in talking about matter and string-theory and faith and fate and god and the nature and potentials of the human spirit and mind. but… i guess .. in some ways there’s a sort of faith i have in this matter.. one that isn’t concrete by any means, and I have no great need for it to be… and .. i was thinking recently: where religious friends may experience disconnectedness, and a feeling of longing for their religious circle/church group/denominative community association, …i.. i miss that support group too. but it’s one i’ve never really had, nor have ever really needed. but it would be very nice to have.
this is rambling.. i hadn’t intended to start writing about this tonight. i was just going to mention that I’d seen the film, and drop this website address (which i have not explored yet, but my father tells me there’s some interestingness there), and I was going to follow up on this later.
I’m hoping the site goes deeper.. a lot of the ideas they introduced in the film fall right in line with my own philosophies/guesses about the universe.. and the bits on subjugation/right and wrong/religion/God were all extremely extremely brief, but very familiar to my constant thoughts.
If the general ideas were unfamiliar to someone — self-actualization and limitless realities — I expect they would either be skeptical and offended by the film, or they would be fascinated. I… I guess I’m just a bit comforted. The rest is continued, patient thoughts to mull and evolve.
Well, I’ve said a few things now. I still may follow up later.
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