Here we are today
Re: Ferrydust rekindled.
This site was very died for a good ~five years (~2013-2017). … I’m very glad to have my online home back.
Thank you thank you
Definite thanks due to the people who helped me get this site up and running right in the first place, and who also gave me good company through the process. Thank you especially to Rob, and to Andrew, Dean, and the patient people behind , and very very very much thanks and appreciation for all the wonderful peoples in the Textpattern forums. Textdrive
Known issues
Please pardon the dust. This site will continue to undergo is still undergoing construction in some areas, and I’ll probably always be swatting bugs I’m still looking for a few bugfixes in others..
I’m told by a few people that this site (specifically the lavender box) is now rendering correctly in Safari. That’s wonderful news.. but if you come across it that it isn’t, please let me know.. even though I’m really not sure how I would fix that at this point. But advice is welcome.
Also a couple small but odd shiftings occur around the page upon various hoverings. I don’t know what to do about those anymore.
I’m keeping a very rough to do list, which has been hugely helpful to me.
The illustrations on this site are homegrown, basically all extracted and inspired from a digital photograph taken in Kyoto, that wasn’t anything at all lavender to begin with. It has since been played with in Adobe Photoshop, and my first real adventure with Illustrator was to digitally adapt my signature swirlies that had have previously only been doodled on paper — now they show up a lot on Paen. There’s been some interest in these swirlies and perhaps one day I’ll post I’m considering posting a bit more about them in the future.
I’m not usually a pink person, however but I’ve become quite attached to the lavender of ferrydust (site formerly named “rasasayang”), and can’t seem to bring myself to discard it for the grey and white site plan I had initially conceptualized for ferrydust. All in good time.
Weapons of choice
- Lenovo X1 Extreme (Kame) and Lenovo W520 (Bastetbel)
Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (Okani), Toshiba Satellite5205-s703M40 (running WinXP, for better or for worse) - Textpattern for all content management.
- Dreamhost for very reliable hosting
Textdrive hosting at server One - Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
- Chrome
Opera webbrowser. Preference moved to Firefox for a while, but I’ve pretty firmly returned to Opera, as it is considerably lighter in general (can open two dozen tabs on it without feeling much weight.. not as true with Firefox..), but for whatever reason I have found Firefox to be especially slow on my computer — not as true on other computers.. so it may not be Firefox’s fault at all. But that’s so. I also keep Maxthon around for IE-necessary uses. - Notepad++ for ALL the things all the time
Editplus text editor, but when composing sites, I tend to have at least two windows of Opera open, two windows of Editplus, and one of Crimson Editor or Ultraedit (all with several tabs open). - WinSCP, Coreftp LE for all server interactions.
Previous incarnations:
One day I’ll properly put a little showcase together for personal tribute to past endeavorment…
Meanwhile, the brief history is:
- Omniali ~ 1999
- Aim profile site ~1999-2001
- Xanga ~2001?
- Rasasayang ~2000?
- Ferrydust 1 — fall 2004
- Ferrydust v2 — spring 2005-2012
- Ferrydust revived — 2017
Scripts and external integrations:
- Div hiding :: This one is being used for hiding/showing the lavender block and the comments form on article pages.
- Switch Content Script :: This one is used for the collapsible menus on site.
IE7 :: Who knew there was a way to teach old IE new tricks? This is a very cool application.Shoutbox :: That’s the guestbox over on the right.
Textpattern plugins
Plugins make my world go round. The following Textpattern plugins employed on this site are all available at Textpattern Resources.
- 1) ajw_comments_feed 0.6 by Andrew Waer
- Extends RSS & Atom to allow for comments feeds.
- 2) anc_hide 1.0 by Andy Chase
- Allows you to comment out areas of a page or form opaquely; using the anc_comment tag instead of HTML comments around a block of code will hide it from the rendered output.
- 3) etc_cache 0.2 by
- 4) etc_pagination 0.4.7b by Oleg Loukianov
- Google-style pagination
- 5) etc_query 1.3.3 by Oleg Loukianov
- Query data with XPath
- 6) etc_search 0.9.5 by Oleg Loukianov
- Search in any table(s)
- 7) glx_gravatar 0.1 by Johan Nilsson
- Gravatar
- 8) htn_comment_count 0.2 by Christian Vogt
- Some functions for counting your comments, articles and discussions.
- 9) jnm_audio 0.3 by Juanjo Navarro
- Insert an mp3 audio player (flash) in your pages and articles
- 10) mdn_count 1.4 by Mark Norton
- Provides a count of the number of live articles by section or category, or both.
- 11) mem_akismet 0.4 by Michael Manfre
- Akismet/TypePad AntiSpam comment filtering for Textpattern
- 12) mrw_spamkeywords_urlcount 0.1 by Brian Warren
- Mr. Warren's attempt to catch some spam.
- 13) mrz_lastsitemod 0.1 by Mario Parris
- Shows when the site was last modified.
- 14) ob1_modified 0.51 by Henrik Jönsson
- Outputs when the article was last modified or the author who modified it.
- 15) rss_auto_excerpt 0.5 by Rob Sable
- Automatic article excerpts
- 16) rss_calendar 0.1 by Rob Sable
- Monthly calendar linked to date based archives.
- 17) rss_linkcat_list 0.1 by Rob Sable
- Displays link categories with counts.
- 18) rss_unlimited_categories by Rob Sable, makss
- Enable unlimited categories (tags) per article. Require Txp 4.6-dev
- 19) rsx_plugins_list 1.0 by Ramanan Sivaranjan
- Display a list of plugins currently installed.
- 20) rvm_css 1.1 by Ruud van Melick
- Static CSS caching
- 21) rvm_privileged 0.5 by Ruud van Melick
- Use TXP admin user privileges on public side
- 22) rvm_substr 0.4 by Ruud van Melick
- Cut XHTML at a specified character limit
- 23) sgb_url_handler 0.1.5 by sgb
- support all url variations at the same time
- 24) smd_if 0.91 by Stef Dawson
- Generic multiple if condition tests
- 25) smd_tags 0.51 by Stef Dawson
- Unlimited tag taxonomy for articles, images, files and links
- 26) smd_where_used 0.1 by Stef Dawson
- Find what forms/pages/articles/plugins/text have been used where in your design
- 27) soo_if_frontpage 0.1.9 by Jeff Soo
- Check if page is a section front page
- 28) tru_tags 3.9 by Nathan Arthur
- Article tagging
- 29) vdh_flickr 0.8.12 by Ralph von der Heyden
- Shows your pictures in TextPattern.
- 30) wet_link 0.8 by Robert Wetzlmayr
- Create all kinds of links
- 31) wet_plugout 0.2 by Robert Wetzlmayr
- One button plugin state save and restore.
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