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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always got.

Playlist pieces

“I’ve been waiting for someone like you..breaking the circle..you..taking the light.. You, you are the story I should write…I have to write.”

you’re posion in the pretty glass


Recent comments

  • on

    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 July 2023 Sunday


I’m sometimes here. I still believe in context and posterity, so this is here.

01 January 2022 Saturday

Happy New Year!

The month January was named for the Roman god of doorways and beginnings. Cheers to a brilliant 2022 for all! <3

27 March 2020 Friday



26 March 2020 Thursday


There is stew on the stove and I’m going to eat it.

13 August 2019 Tuesday

Soft plushy coziness

Got cold enough to pull over a soft plush blanket and I’m now surrounded in soft plushy coziness and very happy about it.

09 August 2019 Friday

New Orleans oysters

New Orleans has alll the oysters and many of them have visited my belly and I am a happy.

13 June 2019 Thursday

How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners

Little things with tiny legs should not be allowed to move so fast
How did we ever defend ourselves without vacuum cleaners
and sneakers

I thought that crush was gone

Gosh darnit I thought that crush was gone. Fine.

08 May 2019 Wednesday


I am really surprised I never noted Ani DiFranco’s Fuel here, neither complete lyrics nor excerpt. I have referenced it, at least in 2007; feels underrepresented, given how much it’s cycled through my head the past many years.

31 January 2019 Thursday

Timshel, Bernard.

Westworld said timshel! Anthony Hopkins said timshel. ::happy me::

Everything is safely stored in the Archives