09 August 2019 Friday
New Orleans oysters
New Orleans has alll the oysters and many of them have visited my belly and I am a happy.
“i still believe in paradise. but now at least i know it’s not some place you can look for. because it’s not where you go, it’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re part of something.”
it’s beginning to get to me that I know more of the stars and sea than I do of what’s in your head…
We need to feel breathless with love and not collapsed under its weight.
I’m gasping for the air to fill my lungs with everything I’ve lost.
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
New Orleans has alll the oysters and many of them have visited my belly and I am a happy.
Westworld said timshel! Anthony Hopkins said timshel. ::happy me::
My Neighbor Totoro. Is the hype justified? I’ll finally be able to answer this in a few hours.
P.S. I like that my keyboard apparently already knows how to spell Totoro.
I like that Gmail considered 8:00am Thursday as “tomorrow” even though it’s currently 2:50am Thursday. Gmail understands me.
Matt Nathanson’s new songs are good; I just can’t identify, so can’t really listen. If you’re hung up on your past and do not want to move forward, I recommend his latest album. Otherwise, there’s a world of happiness and other good music to have, including some of his wonderfully happy older songs.
Popcorn with lots of salted butter! As nature intended.
I [finally] have a showerproof watch again and the world is a slightly better place.
Problems with Redbox: 30-minute lock-out for password fails (do people really bother to come back in 30 min?) Contact is discouraged outside live call/chat hours; chat doesn’t seem to care about anything.
I play the email game and my email wins 95% of the time. I don’t think it’s a strategy/tactic/approach thing—I have those— I think it’s a life and heart thing and it’s not in my genes to revolve around email.
I’ll keep playing on occasion and see what life lessons I continue to learn out of the whole experience.
*update four hours later: Ouch. That was a painful blow. Email is winning harder now.