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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

20 June 2006 Tuesday


slated in mused, dreams at 5:26 pm

It’s not something I want to call attention to, so I wasn’t going to.. but for my own reference: the gun I referred to in the previous entry bothers me a bit, because it’s not something I take lightly or even find humor or beauty or identity in, as I know is a culture these days.. I mused it briefly during my dream.. the white of the gun, I told myself, came from the whitewall tires from Cars which I watched last night. The two other objects… I don’t remember what they were. They might have been poignant… I think they were two of the same thing.. But I was concentrating on remembering the gun. it was my head, but.. it was more a thought in the dream, I think, than a real action.

The whale might have been a bigger deal.. I think it was…

“Just stop” ~A.P.
“But why should you?” ~W.K.
“Life is simple. Make choices. (Don’t look back.)” ~F&F
“Yes to everything.” ~D.S.

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