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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 April 2005 Saturday

Day before fdv2 launch

slated in site-building at 6:44 pm

‘Looking at launching this tomorrow. Not nearly ready, of course, but ready enough that it can completely replace old ferrydust and i can be happier about it.

Anyway, pardon my dust. (I do like saying that.) :)

Comments on Day before fdv2 launch

  1. Nice and organized! I like it!
    The illustration ont he left is especially beautiful. Did you make it yourself?

    commented Sun 01 May 2005, 8:04:55 AM :: link
  2. :) thanks. i did make them.. some of it was on the old ferrydust site.. just elaborated a little and added a few others.

    gravatars are working now. yay!
    commented Sun 01 May 2005, 10:44:58 PM :: link
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