22 June 2006 Thursday
Time and space
I was going to publish this as a blank entry. Title only. A placeholder for myself.. I would recall the context and remember or intepret my mindset and message.
But now there’s actual text, a written entry to accompany it, because.. when I saved it as a draft, Textpattern informed me that there was already an existing article with this same title.
Time and Space, 27 February 2005.
It’s related, not too surprisingly, but very differently themed, entirely different situation, and wholly different meaning.
But what does still apply, from that entry to this one, is my advice to myself (thanks, me.):
“Keep your own advice, Alicson. One foot after another; one step at a time, and you’ll be having breakfast before you know it.. and then lunch and then dinner will come around, and then… Well, let that come in its own time. Meantime, there’s this time to deal with.”
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