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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

27 May 2004 Thursday

movabletype; wordpress; textpattern

slated in site-building, mainstream at 8:21 pm

just a brief…:
i think a heck of a lot> has been said about the new MT 3.0 that finally came out.. i’ll just note very briefly (very very summarized), that i think Movable Type has certainly earned the right to quite much money from its users. i also think Six Apart did a terrible job of presenting MT 3.0 and the pricing scheme, and people are mostly rightfully upset about it. but everyone’s already said all this.

moving right along… i’m not completely horrified at MT.. but i am a bit disappointed…i’d really been looking forward to something a little new and useable in 3.0. so, as i’d considered before, wordpress is a reasonable CMS to turn to.. and so is textpattern. i’ve read a number of things about each, but i’m not really keeping straight in my head which does what, exactly.. i do know, though, that each has its advantages. i expect to get to know each (and continue to learn movabletype a bit better, still) and appreciate them a all a bit… and then i’ll choose my favorite and tell the world why it’s decidedly the best. (maybe) so that’s said. i’m moving from movabletype, but staying as well. that is basically what i had to say.

out to dinnertime for me…

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