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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

01 September 2006 Friday


slated in mused at 2:00 am

I was never afraid of the word “love”. I understood its possible impact and gravity and implications, in a myriad of different situations said by different people to mean different things. But it didn’t really hit me on its own. Saying it wasn’t so hard either. Again, understood what it could/should mean, but the word itself was just a well-meaning word.

One day I was sort of cornered into saying it. Not really forced, just.. had to be done. And saying it just once wouldn’t match. The first line wasn’t too hard. Repeating again was…repeating it over and over was very hard.. physically difficult. The weight of the words really surprised me.

That was a different lifetime.
It hasn’t had a presence for a while. Ran into it very briefly just now though, and it nearly took my breath. Alarmed me a little, but mostly I.. I like it. I like that….it can run that deep.. that it can mean that much. That just a little word can be endowed with such power.. can mean so many things at once.. can mean so much.

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