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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

08 January 2007 Monday

Build PC 2007. And hi.

slated in stuff at 4:32 am

Orders placed at Newegg and TigerDirect. And just ordered the final item from DigitalHotBuy (would’ve been from ZipZoomFly but I’ve been waiting for my password for which I requested retrieval over two hours ago).

Parts should all be present and ready for assembly by Friday at the very latest.

Will be my first desktop computer since the year 2000. Danium‘s not getting abandoned. However, ‘continues to shut down as he pleases, and not as I please (which I really do not), so Dani will be sent to the shop when I get the chance, and new desktop will have power I’ve been missing for years.

So grateful for the help I’ve had the last several days on this.
For next few days can focus on getting a few other things in order…
I really like this year so far.

Best regards to all (maybe not so much to the China-haters tho).

P.S. ‘Am rereading, for the third time in my life, one of my absolute favorite books: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein. Approaching halfway through, and I’m struck every other page by just how great this book is; the writing, the concepts, the characters are all gold. and probably one of the better illustrations of my belief systems.

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