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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

29 July 2008 Tuesday

revisions and gaps in history

slated in mused at 5:49 pm

If one remembers only after weeks or months have passed, then what is left to be moved or hurt by?
If something can wait, it can probably keep waiting.

“at the surest shorelines, I will await you.”
“walking after you”
“you take your time but I know”
“thousands upon thousands of honest lines”
“til I catch the sunlight in my eye”

Movement. Away. Behind.

Open hands.

“What are you hoping for?”

“Beauty in the breakdown.”
“saved by grace”
“the best can be damned.”

“spend a lifetime finding out just where that is”
“it fell from skin”
“can’t stand by”
“if it’s an eye for an eye”
“out of the desert and into the sun”

“We should take our goodbyes whenever we can.”

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