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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

21 May 2004 Friday

congratulations graduates

slated in stuff at 2:56 am

Congrats to the class of 2004 University of Maryland graduates, who just completed ‘Main’ Commencement this (past) evening. And onto the individual College ceremonies tomorrow(today) morning. And then onto the rest of everything else—it’s what everyone went to university for in the first place, right? Well, it was surely terribly worth doing, anyway, even if the timing was rather off. But I digress. Congratulations you guys. Don’t run off too soon; ‘looking forward to seeing some of you a lil, now that you won’t be swamped with classes and exams. ..though every space is room to fill. Goodnight/day and best wishes and all the individually deserved sentiments.

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