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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 September 2004 Thursday

Is it too late to come out of retirement?

slated in site-building at 2:21 am

i am so very very out of the game. and by ‘game’ i mean this whole website-building/designing/blogging thing. i let it go for a while.. and that was all good and fine, but now here i am, lost to whatever my previous state was. i kind of remember where i was and what i was trying to do, but now i don’t really remember all my personal shortcuts and arrangements and the basic skills and techniques i had built in short-term memory and repertoire.. they flew away, figuring i can learn it all over again. i can, it’s just going to be a whole up-hill adventure again. maybe the slope will be a bit easier..although i figure i’m even more out of shape now than i was before! and here i go with the rambling! and hadn’t i decided i was going to try to use proper quasi-complete sentences and something semblancing (yes, i am acquainted with the word “resembling”...what’s yer point) english grammar and common useage of Capital letters. well clearly that flew out the window too.

anyway, here i am. i haven’t reacquainted myself adequately enough to declare cheers of ..anything… but i haven’t given up the day i take that “pardon my ferrydust” sign off the site and replace it with some comfortable alicson-ramblingish and proseness stuff.

just to clarify, i’m not fulltime or even halftime back on this yet. but my eye’s on it and i’m looking forward to it. *boogieboogieboogie*

...holy &r@p. i’m completely forgotten html (and probably css too). okay.. so if i want to make some font smaller, then i… umm…

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