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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

09 November 2009 Monday


slated in mused, moments at 6:57 pm

I’m thinking that if I start spelling out to myself in plain words what I am doing right before I do it, it might properly keep some of my actions in check or at least make me much more aware and accountable to myself. If I can hear it, maybe I’ll feel it out more clearly ahead of time, rather than wondering what the heck happened after the fact.

Ladybugs are hovering around the building again. Apparently this is a thing they do; it was covered in the news somewhere.

Doesn’t look to be any Halloween candy in the office this week. This is both good and abysmal.

Seems a beautiful day outside. Sun was blinding this morning per usual.. I appreciate the earlier sunrise but I miss the later sunset. This is balance? Compromise? Back-and-forth trade? Not everything is a metaphor. Or is everything? ::shrug::

I am getting a mocha.

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