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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

14 May 2006 Sunday

Ways to handle strife

slated in mused at 1:35 am

A bit offhandedly, I’ve come up with five ways, simplistically and essentially, to handle most any problem:

A) ignore it and wait for it to go away on its own
B) confront it and deal with it til solved
C) put it off until a good time
D) give up and walk away/stay still
E) seek help, which will ultimately point to one of the above options by advised action or default

A will rely entirely upon external forces
C looks a lot like A, and otherwise potentially involves great risk
simple choice depending on intention
E is more proactive than A or C, but will end up forwarding to one of the other choices.

Decision depends on the goal.

This isn’t going [to go] well.

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