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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

I will use every cannon, every bomb, every bullet, every weapon I have down to my own eyeteeth to end you.


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....I have been saving smiles for you…

distance is always lies


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

10 September 2006 Sunday

Room for rent in Baltimore (Canton), Maryland

slated in stuff at 10:43 am

living room/foyer
Friend’s place in Baltimore; room available for rent:

It’s a really nice house.

It’s in Katon!! :)
(Canton! Ryuuka no Jutsu.. sorry.. it’s really what I thought of when I first saw the sign.)

03 August 2006 Thursday

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

slated in stuff at 8:50 pm

So hot.

here’s the link

13 July 2006 Thursday

A nice old couple

slated in stuff at 4:01 am

A married couple in their early 60s was out celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant .
Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table and said, “For being such an exemplary married couple, and for being faithful to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.”

29 June 2006 Thursday

.... the hustle.... (oy.)

slated in stuff at 6:46 pm

Umm… I just received this email. This is the whole email, in its entirety, minus the part it was replied to, which really was simply me referring to a suddenly realized problem, and saying, ”*hustles to fix the problem*”

And this is what I get..

*starts singing*

do the hustle

do do do do doo doo do doo do
*head begins to bob right and left*
do the hustle!

*body begins to move*
do the hustle

do do do duh do do do do do do do

In case you want the lyrics (sadly, i could not find the mp3):

Do It
Do It
Do The Hustle


Do The Hustle

Do The Hustle
Do The Hustle

Do The Hustle

Do It
Do It


Do The Hustle


Do The Hustle

slated in stuff at 3:11 am

Hey… I’m cute in overalls :)
...or overalls are cute on me.

... in any case, we’re cute together.

25 June 2006 Sunday

The Guys' Rules

slated in stuff at 8:02 pm

This is one of my favorite email forwards, received again today.

1. If you think you’re fat, you probably are.
Don’t ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color.
Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear Is fine.. Really.

08 May 2006 Monday

I'm a happy dumpling

slated in site-building, stuff at 6:59 am

As of early May 2006, a search in Google for happy dumpling turns up this website as result ~10. Yay. :) ?

29 March 2006 Wednesday

Sound bubbles ... or quiet bubbles

slated in stuff at 7:13 pm

Random thought…

Background: vacuum cleaners are annoyingly loud as anything. I suppose it can’t be very helped because of the necessary motor and perhaps suction sound.

Useful invention: creation of a small-space-encompassing bubble that acts as a complete muffler of any sound within.

Much room for abuse: gun toters, .....and i had a few other scenarios of abuse of silence, but now i can’t think of others…. oh, right.. baby kidnappers.. oh, hey, rapists… bad people in general. not being able to hear cars sneak up on you..
well, anyway, i’d like to put one on every motorbike (motorbikers who choose to have a noisy engine/muffler for the sake of it are thoroughly obnoxious to me. i’m not fundamentally against motorcycles/motorcyclists, but I very much think they should be conscious of their (noise) pollution and do what they can to keep that clean. Same with cars.

Anyway, a Quiet bubble would be good. Especially if oxygen can still flow through.. The idea would be to figure out what sound travels on and what stifles sound, and artificially create that….... i think it’s doable. i just don’t think ….it’s doable yet. shrug the end.

03 February 2006 Friday

Kimley says

slated in stuff at 7:28 pm

“be happy my little dumpling =)”

okay :)

15 August 2005 Monday

The 4.0s and a few other really things

slated in consumed, stuff at 7:24 am

long-awaited news: Textpattern 4.0 is a go (with a weblog that i swear wasn’t there a couple days ago…)

and Rob’s newest Textpattern plugin, rss_admin_db_manager v4.0 is out in the world, and is looking so very beautiful and works so very beautifully. i’ve gotten to play with it and it’s very very happy.

Apple’s Mighty Mouse that i saw in the Apple store today… really is making me consider, again, converting to an Apple…

oh, btw, Bluey’s “spine” pretty thoroughly broke today, so it can no longer hold up it’s beautiful 15” UXGA screen on its own. it folds almost all the way back (i’m certain if it continues to do so, the remaining holding plastic will also break and the monitor will be completely broken from the computer, which is really no good in laptop world), and otherwise would slam shut if leaning foward.. it can’t hold itself up at all. so sad. just happened kind of randomly today. it’s been weak for like a year now… after a certain angle, the monitor would just fall backwards. but it could still hold itself mostly up at the time. not anymore. :-/
i’ll have to figure something to deal with this tomorrow. quite urgent.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives