02 July 2023 Sunday
I’m sometimes here. I still believe in context and posterity, so this is here.
“The Buddha was asked, ‘Are you a God?’ He said he was not. ‘Then what are you?’ He answered, ‘I am awake.’”
love is so much more than movie lines or words that can’t hold truth, and feelings lose their worth.
Only love lays down its life, gives up everything..
the one you knew; from your love i grew into complete and whole.. and the way i justify: it's my way to control love everlastin'.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
I’m sometimes here. I still believe in context and posterity, so this is here.
internal dialogue: “Eep! outdated date! must update! urgent! ::updates:: phew.”
This site was very died for a good ~five years. … I’m very glad to have my online home back.
…yearsss have passed; the internet has changed in several ways, as have blogs and integrations and styles; I have changed in several ways, though I am still very consistently me — fondness for ice cream and absurd sleeping habits and all.
A ton yet to do, on all the fronts; however I’m really happy to have my online home back.
This is the closest I’ve gotten [with restoring Ferrydust]. Lots of broken plugins, missing entries from 2007-2013, and currently h1 font won’t resolve via the zem_ir plugin not sure what the deal is there.. This is the closest I’ve gotten, though, to having Ferrydust back. No wonder if took so many years; all the conflicting versions and missing pieces.. Much uphill still to go to rebuild and will have to rely heavily on archive.org (latest archive there is March 9, 2013)
*update @2017-03-03 found and recovered (whole-day affair) a 2014 copy of my old files. Much still to repair, however I have my content and that’s the most <3
More info:
Joyent Forums
TextDrive was–well, in their own words:TextDrive is a hosting company run by and for people who love publishing on the web. From shared hosting to fully managed dedicated servers (and everything in between), our reasonably priced hosting plans represent what we consider to be the very best?
“Was” indeed.
Something odd is going on with my hosting account size.. I should have unlimited space but I’m being thrown warning messages of “over account limit”. Haven’t had the time to address it yet, but will need to. Email seems to be bouncing due to size except that I still receive all the emails.. I think.. If someone thinks otherwise, please contact me through a comment form or something.. I receive those (and email addresses remain private).
le sigh. Ferrydust was broken.. exhibiting a couple of errors across the pages that I figured traced back to some plugin that was attached to a mysql or php version upgrade or something. I checked the internets and several other sites experiencing the same error. But I couldn’t find a fix or pinpoint the problem and I couldn’t hide it, so I went ahead and upgraded the Textpattern version to current (4.4.1), which hasn’t been done in ages. (Did this across two other sites that were similarly “broken”.) This solved one or two errors, but left another one or two.. I trial and errored until I found the plugin linked the the problem and disabled it. Surely that would break some pages on some articles but so be it. Otherwise seemed to be well. Discovered today that articles were not showing on some pages… Went through and eventually found a ridiculous fix (changed txp:article to txp:output_form) but a) that was really stupid—shouldn’t be that way and b) still others still not showing/working/cannot be so “straightforwardly” fixed. Will have to deal with it later. Scrap the whole thing and start with some existing uncustomized template?
Also, grrrrrrrr.
I broke Textpattern Resources site. o_O
Well, maybe. Either way, it’s definitley broken.
I’m sure it needs tables repaired but phpmyadmin won’t let me in because it’s angry about something I can’t fix cuz it won’t let me in.
Here’s hoping Filip or another superhero can rescue it soon..
*update at 10:37am: Okay. Apparently I did not break it. But in any case, Superhero Filip came to the rescue again, saving txp sites everywhere… :)
Repaired and reinstated category listing on Ferrydust Journal pages.
Added archive by title on 1haiku.
Wrote encouragement for adoption of orphaned plugins on Textpattern.org.
Small tweaks along the way.