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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you’d go your whole life not really knowing if something is a a mistake or not.


Playlist pieces

it’s not so difficult.. the world is not so difficult.


You seem to think there’s nobody like you;
day after day don’t know what you might do.
‘Can’t understand what it really feels like;
something so small is killing you inside.


Recent comments

  • on

    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

31 December 2007 Monday

slated in days at 10:04 pm

Hi 2008

Playlist 12/24 - 12/31/2007

slated in playlists at 8:20 pm

Rogue Wave – Are You On My Side

18 December 2007 Tuesday

Playlist 12/17 - 12/18/2007

slated in playlists at 8:55 pm

Regina Spektor – Hotel Song
Republica – Ready To Go
Relient K – Be My Escape
Josh Ritter – Empty Hearts

Don’t let me into this year with an empty heart…

14 December 2007 Friday

Xmas Playlist 12/14 and 12/18/2007

slated in playlists at 6:17 pm

MC Lars – Gary (Okay, this is just a truly great Christmas song.)
Vienna Teng – The Atheist Christmas Carol (simply a beautiful, beautiful Christmas song)

13 December 2007 Thursday

Playlist 12/12/2007

slated in playlists at 12:03 am

What a good little D2 running on Shuffle. Happy rocking-out-in-my-office-chair music all in succession:

Matt Nathanson – Pretty the World
Taylor Hicks – Runaround
Josh Ritter – Snow is Gone

That, mixed with my autohotkeys and sketching web layouts in my new bleu cal, after a fruit tart/cheesecake and three tacos and smoothie earlier makes for a happy Wednesday.

11 December 2007 Tuesday

Xmas Playlist 12/11/2007

slated in playlists at 7:52 pm

Bo Selecta – Proper Crimbo
Sufjan Stevens – Come On! Let’s Boogey to the Elf Dance!
Jars of Clay – Drummer Boy remix

08 December 2007 Saturday

"real-life" widgets

slated in consumed, stuff at 7:15 am

spent a little bit of time yesterday making widgets for my new calendar. I never thought of them as widgets before.. just little, practical customizations.. But I realize for the first time that they are the equivalent of expansion packs and plugins.. Two paper strips that form a pocket in the front, two unruled index cards with the last three weeks of December 2007 on them, and carrying over the insert with the cutout bookmark flap, on which I attach post-it notes (I use super sticky only. the regular kind is crap) with to-do lists and other notes that will not stay attached to one particular day or week. It’s pretty much all set up now. I probably won’t completely move over (data transfer) from the 2007 vert to the 2008 bleu til Monday or so.. Still have to write over birthdays and other infos.

while we’re at it, what’s the word for non-electronic / non-digital ..? It’s not analog… not necessarily mechanical… going with “real-life” for now…

07 December 2007 Friday

My book

slated in consumed at 8:45 pm

UPDATE [from Give me my @&$* book!]:


Borders just won a bunch of points from me (I’m typically a Barnes&Noble/Amazon kid)…

On some sane advice [via], I sent an email to Paperblanks. I’ve not yet heard back, but I ran another sweep of stores.

And Borders’ website said I could special order it to one of the stores. So I signed up for that. A little while later, an email appeared saying the expected, “we don’t have it, but you can check with your store anyway in case they do. here’s their number.” Hopeful but expecting the usual lack of success, I called and spoke to a very nice guy who said he thought they had it. I warned him (nicely) that this is the blue, mini, horizontal book with the magnetic clasp. Not green, not vertical, not slim. He said yes, he’d look for it. I was on hold a while. He came back and said he’d call me back after spending more time looking for it. Nice guy. So just now I get a call. “we have it.” he says. “…… really? the horizontal? blue? mini? magnetic? ..??” “yes, it’s a bit less than 4 × 6 inches…” “that’s it! have you any idea …!? May I please put that on reserve?! Thank you so much!” YAY

I’m going to pick it up after work today. Maybe I shouldn’t be so happy about something so small/superficial. But it’s an object that will spend tons of time with me all of next year, most every day, and I’ll be jotting events and information and thoughts and ideas and memories that I can keep forever.. and this is a little victory and I’m happy and that’s the way that is.

05 December 2007 Wednesday

Automagically is such a good word

Automagically is such a good word.
Automagicably is even better.

Playlist 12/05/2007

slated in playlists at 9:09 pm

Ryan Adams – Desire
The Postal Service – Clark Gable

Everything is safely stored in the Archives