23 May 2006 Tuesday
A general journal entry
-- if I remember how
"All the roads we have to walk along are winding..."
Amazing how barely an opening in my window can make my whole room so cold.
Finding metaphors everywhere these days.
Looks like another nice day out. Good for that.
One of my friends may be moving to Australia. Australia seems the place to be.
My cousin is one week pregnant with her first child. So very excited for her.
Saw a newborn baby with its mommy being transported in a hospital bed in elevator at hospital yesterday. It was sleeping and its mommy was holding it and looking at it so adoringly. Was really really sweet. Holy Cross really is an impressive hospital. I’m actually impressed.
Dream night before last involved a really really, really nice DC apartment, the scope of a house, actually, with just one little boy and his parents living there, and they had done some nice extensions/renovations.. I believe it was top floor… I was previewing it, as a realtor, and then brought some friends to see it, knowing they would deem it perfect.
Determined to finish American Gods ASAP and return to its owner. Exciting at end. I think I’m at epilogue now. Lots of stuff worth discussing.
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