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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

25 June 2006 Sunday

Readinglist 06/25/2006

slated in reading at 9:58 am
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. (Recently finished Blink by Malcolm Gladwell) Snow Crash I almost completed well over a year ago.. but then I put it asid for a while and now I’m rereading most of it, and recognize pretty much all I’ve been reading. I think I’m about 1/3 through. Was recommended to me back in college.. some 6 years agoish. [finished] The Namesake was started today, exorbitantly recommended.. I’m not sure it’s quite what I need at the moment, but it is clearly as well-written as advertised, and I can take it, so I’ll read it and finish it before I get back on Snow Crash, I’m sure.

Song El Dorado is currently playing. I have good memories associated with this song/this movie. I’m glad for that.
“the magnificent, and golden, and I believe they will.”

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