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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

18 July 2006 Tuesday

Quicktime fixed

slated in as so at 5:21 pm

Yay!!! Got Quicktime working on my comp again… been completely without it for over a month now.. amazing the stuff you miss out on when you can’t watch simple quicktime videos.. so many trailers...

I must see XMen 3 :(
Namesake trailer looks fairly true to book.
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 looks fun-packed.
Spiderman 3 is an obvious won’t-miss.
The Last Kiss trailer is a worthwhile one to watch too, though hadn’t needed quicktime for that on Braff’s site.

Anyway, the issue with my Quicktime involved problems with the uninstallation and installation or something or other… Had tried several things, but this is what worked:

One of the errors I was consistently getting (there was at least one other but don’t remember it now) was:
"Error 1316.A network error occurred......"

The solution was not easy to find when I was looking the first few times, but this time easy enough: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Downloaded, installed, found in Start > Programs, and hard-uninstalled quicktime.. From there, installed from scratch, and everything is now peachy.

Seems like this could’ve been easily solved ages ago right? But the error messages were different and the CleanUp Utility had not come up on searches. So… I’m just pleased to have it solved now. The end.

Comments on Quicktime fixed

  1. I have been trying to troubleshoot this problem for weeks and spent the whole day today on it until I came across your page here.
    10 minutes later…it

    commented Sat 11 Nov 2006, 3:50:17 AM :: link
  2. thank you!! this error has been really ticking me off. I’ve finally got round to searching for a solution and you blog came up.


    commented Tue 26 Jun 2007, 2:59:07 AM :: link
  3. Sami

    Thank you very much for helping me getting this problem fixed. It has been a nightmare of 6 months…Thanks once more.


    commented Fri 28 Dec 2007, 9:02:25 PM :: link
  4. Justin

    Very Nice, thanks I spent an entire freaking night stressing over trying to transfer music onto my new Iphone. If I could break the 4th wall I’d kiss ya, xD thanks.

    commented Wed 18 Jul 2012, 2:45:03 AM :: link
  5. :)

    commented Wed 18 Jul 2012, 7:52:52 PM :: link
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