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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 August 2006 Wednesday

mid of the week, end of the month

slated in moments at 11:15 pm

Just yesterday started to have been too warm for too long for my taste, and I was assured that coolness was just a little while away.
And here it is :)
Not as sunshiney as has been, but still pleasant. I hear Friday might not be the prettiest of days? Really? Well I’m expecting a good day anyway. Meanwhile, I have this one.

Game of the day: Fly the Copter
I’m surprisingly bad at this game.. high score is 842. Can’t play much with it cuz that whole work thing..

I know my next project btw. decided yesterday over sushi.

I really hope Schuyler Fisk tours in the D.C. area sometime soonish. Heck, even if she’s just in New York or Boston (where the awesome artists tend to go, and skip out on D.C. unreasonably) I’ll go see her. Same goes for The Weepies.

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