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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

04 September 2006 Monday

House M.D.

slated in consumed at 11:13 pm

‘Recently advised a new show as my background noise as I work.. House has been encouraged to me by several others before.. Finally started it today.

I like this show already.

I just learned that the twitches that your body/legs sometimes do as you’re falling asleep are called “myoclonic” twitches/jerks.. and that they happen because when you’re falling asleep your brain might think you’re dying, “so it sends a pulse to wake it up”. :) That’s cool. Good brain.

You have an M.D. and think it’s hilarious that the show has to explain all the medical terminology that it uses, but.. okay I think it’s kind of funny too.. But it’s also educational. Look I’m learning your lingo already.

...false paternity is ~30%?!

p.s. as I had thought, this show is very much like ReGenesis. Just focuses on individual patients/cases, rather than epidemics. Oh, and so far not much attention to personal lives of the main characters/doctors. I imagine that changes though?

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