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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

12 February 2008 Tuesday

Feeling better; time to eat more!

slated in moments, malaysian at 6:51 pm

Been battling a lousy cold/unwellness thing the past several days, which has consumed tons of tissues and kept me from some of my favorite foods. I’ve been slowly winning.. I think I’ve almost got it beat, on good behavior (staying away from my dear fresh orange juice (which they make right in Thailand, not in Malaysia), drinking fresh lime and tea with honey, eating boiled chicken rather than fried, not eating fried banana (awwww) or any of the awesome happy-looking rich and layered cakes/icecreams/desserts that I’d ordinarily be happily swimming in.

I think this is the same cold/unwellness thing that I picked up at the end of last month (was a pretty packed week+), but then thought I had it pretty much beat before CNY. My suspicion is that the dukung/langsat might have been “heaty” for me and then the winding roads of the hills was not the happiest experience (it never really is) and all the airplane trips, no matter how used to them I may be, are really taxing.
The duku langsat, however, was totally worth just about any possible consequence. Mangsoteen would’ve been, too. If I find any more, I’m eating them!

Even with the slight loss of appetite from the not feeling well (quite overwhelmed by the frustration of not being able to freely eat all the happy foods), I’ve managed to put on “considerable” weight over the past week+. I know this because a couple weeks ago, my pants were still a bit too loose for me. Now, they’re a bit more tight than necessary. Humph. Okay, so I can put on weight. At least enough to shift up a number in pants-size. Can’t let that keep me from enjoying my favorite foods, though. Just means I’ll be running around a bit more/playing Nintendo Wii a lot in the upcoming weeks. (Maybe it was all those “baby“coconuts I’ve been eating for health/happiness. You’d think that all the physical effort to dig out the flesh with one’s dinner spoon would counter any effects of its consumption.)

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