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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

19 April 2004 Monday

The 5:00 parking ticket. aka: Stupidest Thing Ever.

slated in molehills at 11:09 pm

To Whom It May Concern:

I’ll try to mask some of my contempt, disgust, and hysterical incredulity as I tell this story. I’ll also make it as simple and short as is possible. I went to the movies today. My ticket stub and credit card receipt is clearly marked: 3:49pm. I put in quarters for well past an hour. But all of those details, actually, are not really necessary. All you need to know is this:

I parked at a meter that had a clear sign stating “2 hour (meter) parking, Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.” I came back after the movie to find a parking ticket on my windshield. The time noted on the ticket was 5:00. Actually, the carbon writing on it look to say 5:04—but it’s written over in pen (different from the rest of the ticket) to say simply 5:00.

Do I have to explain? The sign says 2 hour meter parking from 8am-5pm. Otherwise, free parking. The ticket said 5:00 in pen. So does the free parking kick in at 5:01? Even then, I had been sure to fill the meter with well past the hour before 5:00 that I would be gone for.

I don’t even want to write any more about this. The contempt and incredulity? How Why should I even mask that? What else is there to feel about such a pathetic situation/system? Not to even mention the “Chief of Police” who answered me at the front desk when I stepped into the Courthouse. -But the proper department was closed, of course. Mr. Chief of Police was very polite in explaining how, if I turn over the card, I can fill out the section that asks for my name and address, and I can mail it to the office that is clearly stated on the card, requesting a court date-as is clearly stated on the card. Thank you so much for that. Oy. <strong>thoroughly disgusted</strong>

Aside from that, I had a very nice day. Thank you.

Comments on The 5:00 parking ticket. aka: Stupidest Thing Ever.

  1. alberto
    whatever, ali. I rock and you love spending time with me. it was awesome. ticket or not. it was all spent the way all time should be spent...together. je t'aime. always.
    commented Mon 19 Apr 2004, 11:58:08 PM :: link
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