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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

19 May 2008 Monday

DeathNote (Desu Noto)

slated in consumed at 6:32 am

It turns out that some Japanese movies actually make sense.
Well, maybe it’s just the horror movies that are completely void of any sense whatsoever (the American versions of The Ring and that other one — about the phone calls that kill — are absurdly nonsensical, but their Japanese counterparts/originals trump them in nonsensicalness). Anyway, Death Note was great. (Not a horror film by any stretch. Rather interesting story.) ‘Hope the sequel(s) (L: The Last Name) match up; the third(?) film — L: Change the World seemed all the hype in Hong Kong.
Also going to look up the anime...

*update: the second movie’s solid. I laughed much more, cried more too. (Ah, Asian girls. Or girls in general. Totally cute, absurd, completely crazy.) Also, the anime is very good. Feels more like Bleach than Naruto (death gods and all..), but I never settled into Bleach. I’ve heard comparisons of it to Naruto, but.. well, the style and personalities are quite different.. I do see a bit of Sasuke there, though.. but character development is much more pronounced in Death Note; the character development and explanation of reasonings are interestingly more (interestingly) subtle in the anime than in the movies.
… Okay. the anime’s pretty emotional too.

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