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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

07 July 2008 Monday


slated in moments, mood at 3:13 am

Family and friends. Yee sang and playing and smiling. Sharing.
Chasing fireworks.

Good conversation and happy Cherry Blossomness.

Kid actors playing little lions are adorable. Kid playing a baby elephant…so so cute. They played the song right the second time around. It made me happy. Helps to know all the words to most of it to begin with.. They could have used more stage. I had really great company. Rafiki is my hero.

Was really, really wonderful to meet Antiochians. Not just because I got Nonstop shirt —which really was wonderful icing on an already good day (thank you L!!).. Was just really pleasant to see and talk with and be around and hug Antiochians. Can’t fully convey, but just happy.

It’s not just about being difficult, but after all winning is everything, neh.. And everyone wins? Mosquito bites.

I liked going. It’s not difficult to see the good. Very much differ in opinion of the goodness of the fundamental reasons and motivations, though. And the external/internal / perception is the very key difference.

So yummy sausage and salmon.. so yum. So much meat. There’s time for rabbit food later. Today was just happy chomping such yumminess.

Stepped barefoot on a rusted nail sticking straight up out of a small wooden board in the grass of a neighbor’s lawn.

I used to be far more guarded.. as a child, through highschool.. I’m not sure exactly when, but I started letting go a lot.. relaxing a lot about many things. There’s a lot that could conceivably hurt me/come back to bite me.. But I’m not really afraid of those things. The things that really matter, and the things that don’t… Who I am and how others perceive me.. I think I would rather move and contend with what comes, than constantly defend and analyze. I’m still generally cautious. There’s just much more perspective now. Or maybe I’ve just become careless.

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