07 July 2008 Monday
and life is a choice, first and foremost.
(though also a responsibility and no man is an island and one should take responsibility for their influence—however minute/pathetic—in the universe/upon others)
So I’m not begrudging that.
But I was surprised because
life should not be a gamble.
Life should be amazing and beautiful and appreciated and valuable and meaningful for itself. Not a measly (in the scheme of things) stepping stone to get anywhere, no matter how grand.
Life has to mean more than that. Individuality, bodies, minds, feelings, art, senses.. they simply must mean more than that.
And if they don’t, then just how glorious can Glory be?
There is more to every person and every life. We are all not simply human (or animal, plant or mineral). I identify with the aiua concept, generally.. I think it’s a human-graspable rendition of the actual truth.. but a fair illustration, and something I recognized pretty immediately. We are more than what we are, but that does not in the slightest (perhaps reverse, actually) diminish the value of what we are, and what we live.
:: Nuts. lost a whole paragraph and a half. don’t remember now. ::
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