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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

07 July 2008 Monday


slated in moments, mused at 4:56 pm

I thought I’d broken Ferrydust for a bit…
I think I’ve pinpointed the issue to the birthday post for Toby.. Was weird for a bit.

Anyway, yes, I have a hole in my foot. No, I’m not going to die. I don’t know if I’ve had my tetanus shot[recently]; if the doctor’s office never calls me back, I may never know.

Looks like a nice day out there, despite expected rain. i’d really like to make the Bond movie, but why is everything so busy and many things so messy lately?
Common thread is me/my time/space, neh?

Common threads.. important threads.. awareness, responsibility; choices, preferences, determination..

Wasting one’s life.. was an interesting subject indeed. But thoroughly subjective. We are not slaves or servants. We can love and we can admire, respect, appreciate, connect with, reach out to, be grateful to, be in awe of,
but we are not sheep, we are not slaves, we are not ordained servants or subjects. We are alive. We are loved. We can love. We are ourselves to recognize and uphold and conduct accordingly.

Timshel. Thou art. We are.

and responsibility for oneself, internalizing the lessons and the love imparted upon us by those who love us.. we reach those by being true to ourselves as they have helped make us, and so be true to them.

And if you can stand and love yourself and be yourself and make your decisions and take responsibility for your own life,
all the more the praise and worth and meaning and strength and beauty. It’s not about being separate, it’s about being oneself and offering something complete, rather than dependent or subservient.

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