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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

05 May 2004 Wednesday

how absolute is absolute power?

slated in mused at 9:19 am

...cont’d from ‘divine right’:
i’ve not yet considered the subject much, but here are some shower thoughts on it…

it depends (of course). what does having all the powers of God actually mean? can you tap into all beings’ thoughts? can you change their memories? change their emotions? know all their pasts and intentions? and if you can do all that, you do know essential futures—how many of those can a god hold in mind, i wonder.. <sub>predetermination is a whole other thing to talk/think about</sub>

Comments on how absolute is absolute power?

  1. me
    I think that absolute power..God power, if you will, is limitless. But the trick is that it's dependant on imagination. True power comes from throught, imagination and will. God power is the will part of it. Anything and Everything is possible...but do you have the ability to imagine the potential? For example, let's look at man. What differentiates the average common person from Napoleon or Alexander? Imagination and will. My main issue with Neo in the Matrix was that he lacked imagination on how to use the powers that were give to him. If the majority of rules suddenly don't apply to you...and if you've always had the mentality that rules shouldn't apply to you in the first place...if you dare to think of how the world could be if it were up to you...if you think about potential, and possibilities of a world/universe/existence sans limitations...then absolutely nothing is impossible... Imagination is the key to absolute power. The ability to enforce your will is the stepping stone to power, but imagination, in my opinion, is the crown.
    commented Wed 05 May 2004, 12:35:42 PM :: link
  2. that's why Max in Divine Right would fail, then, neh? an average, good-intentioned kid..it's just not enough. i do want to talk/write more about this... heh. i want to experiment with it. i want to act it out. i want to practice it with 7 different dimensions and 23 different alternate realities.. 'see what happens.. become fluent in the whole thing... what a worthwhile thing to spend an eternity on. God does make sense.
    commented Wed 05 May 2004, 1:27:27 PM :: link
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