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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

13 November 2004 Saturday

Writing ramble

slated in mused at 9:36 am

i want to get back into writing mode.
you know, i never really loved writing. i.. well, it’s a bit complex/twisted, actually. of course i love writing… i’ve always written.. i’ve most always kept notebooks around me and composed and kept journal entries.. a language developed so i could keep up my writting habit with safetyand open secrecy.. writing works as an outlet, as a record keeper, as communication, as display. it can be a chore, it can be magic.

i’m not even describing writing’s place in history.. the fact the invention of written record defines our lifestyles in most every way. that’s all beside the point in this discussion.

i guess it’s not really a discussion though. i’m writing and no one’s here and people may read but doesn’t mean they’ll write back.. so it could be a discussion if a dialogue begins it, but until then it’s just an entry.. and at this point, it’s rather a ramble.

and if the ramble’s begun, it’s on a roll to continue. when was the last time i had a good ramble? probably not long ago.. but no reason to kick the habit now. i said i wanted to get back into writing mode, right? what does that mean? who knows. i don’t know. but if writing’s what i wanted to do, then rambling is a perfect means towards that end.

the key to having something written is to write it. if you get stuck, then just write something else. write until what you were looking for reveals itself. aha. maybe that’s what i’m to write about; that’s what ‘Operation: Writing Mode’ is about.. maybe. i really didn’t have a definition at the start of this. i wanted to write something and so i began… and in five paragraphs i’ve found the/a goal.

beautiful. okay. so this is my plan, anyway… writing. writing writing. as if designing and scribbling and planning hadn’t been enough. missing something. a constant outlet. a habit neglected. goodness this is a ramble.

i’d like to set my own record right now for ramblingest ramble about writing (i’m sure i’ve done something like this before), but it really is way past my preferred bedtime now (how times have changed) so i’m going to wrap this up.

but i’m glad for this exercise and i hope i’ll get better about it. weird and choppy, but masterpieces are allowed to begin this way.

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