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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

28 May 2009 Thursday

Logos and company

slated in moments at 4:49 pm

Logos has been down for weeks if not months. Been very unreliable about starting up properly. Different errors… Few complete boot-ups. Have been relying on Danium. Finally troubleshooted (internal) harddrives directly last night, and didn’t seem to be an issue with any of them, but using a different point on the cable seems to have done the trick. I’m nervous about claiming this because the next bootup may fail and prove otherwise, but I really hope the issues are past for at least a while, because I’m behind on TV and I miss my music and I need to sort my photos and all of these things are Logos-essential.

Also, BabyBlueBytes is home. Brother had been using it (rejuvenated edition), until it ceased displaying properly and so he finally got the MacBook he’s always wanted (more on that in a minute). So I think I’ll harvest BBB’s harddrive and maybe offer the rest of it up on ebay.. ::sigh:: BBB was so great in his time.

Re: brother’s MacBook: it’s beautiful, slim, very efficient and niceness. I guess I don’t have much more to say about it.. I have issues with it, but those are basic functionality differences. The oversized touchpad is fabulous and it’s neat that it clicks down, and genius that it recognizes gestures by multiple fingers (such as two fingers for scrolling) but I think it’s pretty stupid that it doesn’t recognize double-tap; click should not be a requirement. Anyway, is nice. My brother will never use 1/5 of its features and benefits as a Mac, but that will also be why he won’t miss PCs at all; there’s really no difference.

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