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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

23 July 2009 Thursday


slated in moments at 5:48 pm

Took me over an hour this morning, in bed, to convince myself today was Thursday not Friday. My cellphone said it was Thursday. But I just felt like it had to be Friday (making it Jeans Day at work, too). Hit snooze on my alarm a few dozen times while still musing the subject through a pretty hazy head. Kept looking at the phone and understanding that it claimed Thursday, and both believing it while simultaneously wondering how it could have gotten it wrong, and trying to come to terms with it being Thursday but feeling so much like Friday.

I came to terms with it pretty quickly after a memory clicked in my head about an event I learned about yesterday that was to take place on Thursday morning that I could not attend because of work, and realizing it had not occurred yet so therefore Thursday had not yet happened so therefore today could not be Friday.

So I accepted today being Thursday and hit the snooze button just two or three more times before finally getting up and getting with this whole Thursday business.

This morning took effort, man.

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