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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

30 June 2004 Wednesday

Site Issues; My dying mouse

slated in moments, site-building at 6:51 pm

‘Having some site issues (some internal server errors and ‘ferrydust.com’ and ‘ferrydust.goodgrape.net’ are not resolving to where they should go, though ‘ferrydust.goodgrape.net/ferrydust’ is working fine. but.. oh. ‘just realized.. no one’s going to see this till the whole thing is fixed because who the heck would come upon that last url? it should be the straight up ’__.com’. but anyway, like i said, the site’s having some issues…)—which is not entirely heartbreaking, as the site isn’t even finished yet. But still, it’s always a little bit disheartening.

I haven’t had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in a while (maybe two weeks or so.. but it feels like longer).

I need a new mouse. USB, optical. Not cordless (blasphemy!) because with my current set up, there’s just barely room for the comp with the mouse next to it, and I also tend to use the mouse on my thigh… so I’ve had a recent tendency to drop my mouse a lot. Hence, (after quite many months of this, actually) my current mouse has started hiccuping at me, and I find it necessary to buy a new one.

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