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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

27 December 2017 Wednesday

2017-12-27 Reflections, moods, moments

slated in mused at 11:21 pm

Back within the Stormlight Archive and dancing with storms and words and wonders and humanity. And epic Doctor Who is simply lovely. And Mom’s key lime pie means many sweet things to me. My family. Christmas. 2017. Noticing much, noticing how much I’ve not noticed. Cold cold outside today, and continues.. Much gratitude for the basics and the luxury. So much to celebrate. Not an island. Not a coconut. The joy of halite. The pronunciation of dour. Waterproof earbuds are not necessary—however they are/would be very useful. Good things that work are wonderful. RenuAdvanced is a favoritest. Pattern’s wonder makes me grin a Lot. Shallan doesn’t bother me the way she used to, though she’s still the same and I see where the frictions were; care less? mind less? buffered? I have this shirt and only I see it and only I know; and that is sad and it is wonderful. I’m still not much for moderation — it’s one of those things I agree with while don’t know how to play. My hair was the longest it’s ever been, and now it is very not, and I don’t think anyone besides me can tell the difference. That’s also okay. So many hugs must happen in 2018; so much cheer and peace on its way. Going to Asia always feels like going home, even though the river is never the same; my childhood cities are barely recognizable, though still loved and remembered and appreciated for what they are today. The painting of the sad Indonesian woman — we were discussing/I was reflecting upon it today, after visiting neighbor’s home with many paintings; sad Indonesian woman — so scary, dark, emotional, colorful, sad, beautiful. Lord of the Rings was similarly dark, grave, colorful, rich, emotional; how did the words parse for infant Me? for child Me? Who else would I be? A thousand thousand decisions made upon who I am and created who I am. Who else would I be? It’s very rhetorical; I’m grateful and hopeful and very looking forward to who I am yet becoming, and I think I’m mostly and increasingly okay with not being who I am not; I am my own as I am. And I am still C&H and at this rate I will never die. The weird ones are definitely the people who don’t get the practical happiness of tuna packets and chopsticks (what’s not to get?) and dark chocolate always wins and I have very good socks.

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