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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

18 July 2008 Friday


slated in moments, consumed at 8:47 pm

I’ve been turning down chocolate sometimes lately. The universe might implode.

I really like my music.

The single thing I knew about Wanted going into it was that Angelina Jolie is in it.
I enjoyed it. It has its faults, and it’s difficult to properly appreciate a movie while the people you’re watching it with clearly will dislike it throughout, but I’m standing by an overall liking it.

The only thing I know of the Batman movie is what I’ve seen from previews in theaters. That and Heath Ledger = amazing joker.and no longer alive. I think after watching the movie I’m going to especially hope he defies all laws of the universe and turns up alive and well somewhere.

Violin Song’s been running through my head today. especially the mop, and also the hippo and speck of dust.

I am soooo sleepy right now. Ugh. really so much the sleep feeling of the sleep wanting to sleepness.

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