10 December 2004 Friday
Guess who's back!
I tried to send a brief ‘hello world’ while in the car in the parking lot in the rain in the dark, having just received my computer back in my hands and powered it up and all seeming so happy and fine… but the stray wireless connection i had picked up died the instant before i hit ‘send’. So that’s too bad. BUT. i’m home. with my computer. in my lap which Manfre brings to my attention is apparently not healthy (but that’s only for guys, right? but still, that’s bad. i hope someone quickly proves it isn’t so.) but it’s back and working and i’m poorer than before but i’ve got my functioning computer again so the world is a happier place today.
‘have been busily restocking my computer with the necessary apps… not wanting to wait on the installing Linux thing..
just trying to get my environment comfortable again before i dive into playing catch up on the past many days i’ve missed, computer/internet-wise… and increasingly few days left before extensive travel time (aka.no internet and computer-related-productivity time).
and tomorrow’s “date day” .. or “Alicson day”, depending on whose calendar you’re looking at… so tonight’s simply a happy Alicson night. Those are so good. :)
*edit: i forgotten to mention… it turned out (like i told them in the first place) that the problem was the harddrive itself… so i ultimately had to simply get a new one. everything else about the computer? happy-peasy. except for the cpad. which still flickers at me randomly and doesn’t do dragon backgrounds anymore. and the fact that the screen won’t stay up if it’s leaning at too much of an angle. aside from that… happy-peasy! reunited with my gig of ram, and my treasured UXGA display. *does the little happy-shake*
alright that’s enough of that. back to business.
p.s. happy birthday Cari
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