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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

11 January 2006 Wednesday

where in the world

slated in moments at 4:22 pm

i’m in KL at the moment.
arrived this Wednesday late morning, having begun journey from U.S. on Monday afternoon.

from DC—> New York—> Frankfurt, Germany—> Singapore—> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
approx 24 hours on airplanes, and about 33 hours total including the hanging-at-the-airport times.

slept as much through the flights as possible. mostly woke only to eat when meals were served, and would turn on my video set then and watch a movie.
while my mom probably got through 7-9 movies across the trip, i watched three: Transporter 2, Sky High, and got through about half of Drink, Drank, Drunk before we touched down in Singapore.

i’ve now showered, checked/sent email, and despite all the earlier in-air sleeping, i’m ready to skip dinner and sleep through the night now (9:10pm over here).

tomorrow’s mission: renew passport, so that i may continue to avoid the lengthy, miserable lines reserved for those with foreign passports.

then i’ll be much looking forward to seeing my cousins, and locating the wallet (or one similar/better) that i passed up purchasing on my last trip here.

my bruises are going.. but still hurts to kneel; bruise and scab are still clearly there.. the gash inside my mouth is only just starting to close, and the bruise outside (almost not visible outside now) is still sensitive to mild touch. so, i’m okayee.
[re: falling down flight of stairs last week. i guess i’ll write up briefly about that experience soon.. was rather interesting..]

oh, i saw a mosquito earlier. i’d kinda forgotten they’d be here… oh, also so a shrew-looking mouse/rat rodent outside earlier.. never seen one of those before. oh, and weather today was quite beautiful… warm, but i don’t think it was too humid, and very much breezy at lunchtime. i’m looking forward to getting my hands (and mouth) on some good local fruits. reasons for visiting malaysia: renew passport, hug and adore cousins, eat and overeat fruits, celebrate chinese new year.

.....okay… i guess that ghastly roaring/screaming was the house cat… i have not seen the cat yet, but now that i’ve heard it and it’s scared the bejesus out of me, i don’t think i care to meet it.

er.. gonna read article NYtimes article about cells, then sleepy time.

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