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waiting is wasting for people like me…

You still are blind, if you see a winding road, ‘cause there’s always a straight way to the point you see.


As young as I was, I felt older back then;
more disciplined, stronger and certain.
I was saved by grace but destroyed by naivety


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

20 June 2008 Friday

Universe ate my productivity

slated in moments, molehills at 4:02 pm

Interesting week. ..“interesting” used liberally, but not sarcastically. Mostly really good, some a bit weird or frustrating.. Last night went home after work, having postponed an appointment and skipped a great happy hour event, to work on a project I was given (really last minute, R!) that really needed and deserved polishing before going to printer. Get home late from work, several unusual interruptions, and Illustrator balking at simple 3D rendering even though Logos has more memory than Windows knows what to do with. But I’m trying to chug through, though the going is slow, and I’m feeling frustrated mostly because I know others are waiting on me since this thing goes to print in morning.. So, since the universe decides it would be so very helpful or something, the power goes out all of a sudden. No storm, nothing. All the lights are out, the neighborhood is completely dark.. It’s kind of funny, and mostly ridiculous. The past few weeks there have been powerful storms and coworkers have all been telling me how they were without power for a while.. but it never hurt our neighborhood. Power never went out for more than a blink, just once.. But now, on a clear, beautiful night when I actually need to be up and using my computer and also need to be taking a shower at some point later that night (though this was prolly around 1am already, I spose..) the power goes ::poof:: and doesn’t come back. … Oy.

18 June 2008 Wednesday

Pocket #3 this week, of the 2nd variety

slated in moments, quotes at 11:23 pm

A difference, to be a difference, must make a difference.

slated in moments at 10:29 pm

I think I really need ice cream tonight. By gosh I want ice cream tonight.
Long overdue.

17 June 2008 Tuesday

When is a ticket

slated in moments, mood at 7:12 pm

Wearing my corduroy jacket today. In the top pocket I found the ticket from Black Cat concert.
I put it back.

Jefferson story

slated in moments at 6:04 pm

Last night over dinner, someone decided to tell us the history of Thomas Jefferson and his family. It was the most confusing thing.. and funnier than anything I’ve seen on or off television in ages. Something about Thomas and his son Thomas.. ..and his slave Sally who was Thomas’ father-in-law’s slave.. so Sally was likely Martha’s half-sister.. And Martha’s mother may have been named Martha and Martha and Thomas had a daughter named Martha and a daughter named Maria who was called Polly (what the heck?).. And Sally was taken to France to be educated.. and Thomas had a cook who learned to cook in France… and there was someone named Randolph? unless that was referring to Jefferson’s family’s name.. I don’t know. It was the most absurd story-telling adventure, and the baffled and disconcerted faces of the listeners.. and the simultaneous uncertainty and determination of the storyteller.. and it was wonderful.

11 June 2008 Wednesday

slated in moments, consumed at 6:27 pm

Covers view on Goodreads (when viewing lists) is happy.

Revisiting David Mack’s Kabuki. I’m enthralled again. Breathtaking art, all round.

I’m apparently on a graphic novel kick these days.

And Amazon’s had this 4-for-3 deal that’s been kicking my ass(wallet) a bit.

I’ve been eating a LOT of cherries.

I think I’m going to try sleeping on a bed tonight. How novel. (Last three nights on armchair seems to have provided for progress.)

Incredible Hulk or Kung-Fu Panda?

09 June 2008 Monday

slated in moments at 6:12 pm

I’m still sick. A ton better than last week though. …

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought McCain’s speech the other night was awful. He was downright creepy. …

I discovered last week that my computer seemed to be on the verge of overheating; I HOPE HOPE HOPE I have a broken case fan. …

Gmail Labs are a goodness. …

A coworker in the neighboring department passed away last night.. …

02 June 2008 Monday

slated in moments at 9:38 pm

functional but not feeling so good. heading home a little early. at least saw the intern through, and made it through lunch..

slated in moments at 3:38 pm

Not feeling well. That’s two Sundays in a row, now. This time, though, pretty likely I caught it from a friend I spent time with over the weekend.
Am at office now because intern starts today and I feel I should be here to get her settled in.. but we’re all sposed to go out for lunch today and I don’t think I’m up to that, nor the rest of the day. Started as a scratch in my throat that became pain/very scratch in my throat.. some congestion.. a lot of dull headache.. Tried to rest lots yesterday, but still felt pretty lousy (though not nearly as miserable as last Sunday, which I’m pretty sure was something different). I might be flirting a bit with a fever now.
Temperature fluctuated a lot last night. Feel hazy. Walking around as if in a light daze — ears/head sometimes feel a bit stuffy, as if I’ve just gotten off an airplane.

30 May 2008 Friday

slated in moments at 10:42 pm

Raspberries are yum.

Death Note manga is really excellent.

Khiewkhiew, my office plant, is doing so well. I’m so proud of him. He’ll outgrow his little pot soon.

Hershey Pies are happy.

Hi weekend!

Everything is safely stored in the Archives