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Playlist pieces

misread all of the signals that you never sent


I’ve got a four leaf clover
— it’s gotta bring a little luck.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

11 June 2008 Wednesday

Happy Birthday Mark o^_^o

slated in days at 9:27 pm

Very happy birthday to Mark, with just the right amount of birthday wishes (a lot of them). :)

I hope you’re having a beautiful day, filled with essentials like breath, smiles, and cake or cookies.


slated in moments, consumed at 6:27 pm

Covers view on Goodreads (when viewing lists) is happy.

Revisiting David Mack’s Kabuki. I’m enthralled again. Breathtaking art, all round.

I’m apparently on a graphic novel kick these days.

And Amazon’s had this 4-for-3 deal that’s been kicking my ass(wallet) a bit.

I’ve been eating a LOT of cherries.

I think I’m going to try sleeping on a bed tonight. How novel. (Last three nights on armchair seems to have provided for progress.)

Incredible Hulk or Kung-Fu Panda?

09 June 2008 Monday

KJ: How to Move a Tree

slated in mused, consumed at 10:41 pm

The fish, no matter what side of the stone he gets to, never reaches the ?other? side.

How to Move a Tree by William R. Stimson, from issue 65 of the Kyoto Journal (one of the best publications, ever).

But then one day we find that somehow it has reached us ? and recognize, with surprise and astonishment, the other side.

slated in moments at 6:12 pm

I’m still sick. A ton better than last week though. …

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who thought McCain’s speech the other night was awful. He was downright creepy. …

I discovered last week that my computer seemed to be on the verge of overheating; I HOPE HOPE HOPE I have a broken case fan. …

Gmail Labs are a goodness. …

A coworker in the neighboring department passed away last night.. …

02 June 2008 Monday

slated in moments at 9:38 pm

functional but not feeling so good. heading home a little early. at least saw the intern through, and made it through lunch..

slated in moments at 3:38 pm

Not feeling well. That’s two Sundays in a row, now. This time, though, pretty likely I caught it from a friend I spent time with over the weekend.
Am at office now because intern starts today and I feel I should be here to get her settled in.. but we’re all sposed to go out for lunch today and I don’t think I’m up to that, nor the rest of the day. Started as a scratch in my throat that became pain/very scratch in my throat.. some congestion.. a lot of dull headache.. Tried to rest lots yesterday, but still felt pretty lousy (though not nearly as miserable as last Sunday, which I’m pretty sure was something different). I might be flirting a bit with a fever now.
Temperature fluctuated a lot last night. Feel hazy. Walking around as if in a light daze — ears/head sometimes feel a bit stuffy, as if I’ve just gotten off an airplane.

01 June 2008 Sunday

Playlist 05/24 - 05/31/2008

slated in playlists at 12:47 am

Sara Bareilles – Love Song
Jimmy Eat World – Let It Happen, Here It Goes, Always Be, Give It Up, Chase This Light, Dizzy

30 May 2008 Friday

"Alicson is great!"...but doesn't know what to do if you say so

slated in mused at 10:50 pm

I don’t know why I’m bad with compliments. ‘Someone says something nice, then you smile and say “thank you” and keep up the good work.
I’m pretty fine with complimenting others. And I’m quite good at saying thank you…
But for about as long as I can remember, or at least the past 10+ years, despite thriving on positive reinforcement,
despite being fully deserving (at least some of the time?) praise,
despite often feeling entitled to praise,
when someone compliments me personally or something that I’m doing, I usually just get sort of sheepish and respond with something to the effect of “well it’s not finished…” or “not really” or “it’s just something to do..” or I quickly change the subject or give some other deflective response. And I’m not being disingenuous or insincere, and I do really, really appreciate the praise…

I.. I know it’s something to do with balance, but it might go all the way back to elementary school… playing myself down to bring up others.. But.. that hasn’t been applicable for a really long time. I’m not sure why I still do it.. and I’m noticing it more, but I’m thinking that’s a lot likely because I’m in a 9-5 daily environment where people have lots of room to give small, frequent compliments..
And/But then there’s the personal comments/compliments that are really nice or sweet, and depending on the context/words/person saying them, those can just throw me almost to pieces. I think that’s a bit different, but not completely separate.

This is still truth about nine years later. Except that last line, that's taken somewhat of a turn..

slated in moments at 10:42 pm

Raspberries are yum.

Death Note manga is really excellent.

Khiewkhiew, my office plant, is doing so well. I’m so proud of him. He’ll outgrow his little pot soon.

Hershey Pies are happy.

Hi weekend!

Day 9 with the Wii Balance Board / Wii Fit; Day 1 with Wii Ware

slated in consumed at 10:14 pm

I’ve had the Wii Balance Board / Wii Fit for ~9 days now.
It’s happiness.
It’s well made for what it is, and the Balance Board really delivers what it promises.
The Wii Fit definitely won’t impressive people who are already fitness enthusiasts (though they should still appreciate some of the balance games) but it really does a great job of introducing and walking through various exercises, and especially great for tracking progress and thus encouraging activity and results. I was a bit skeptical of their emphasis on “posture” and “balance” before I tried it, but it really is a very good angle, and really makes a difference in your approach, outlook, results.

While I was waiting for my dinner to digest before playing on the Balance Board, I checked out Wii Ware (in the Wii Shopping channel) and downloaded Dr. Mario Online Rx.
I remember loving this game and being so good at it way back in the day. Well, I still love the game, but I am so bad at it now! I don’t know what happened! gah.
Will be nice to try online/versus mode — when I don’t suck so much.

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