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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Every new decision is another chance to do the right thing.

Playlist pieces

misread all of the signals that you never sent


There’s loving and there’s losing, but I think I’m just past choosing now
Don’t live a lie


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

26 August 2006 Saturday

One-Handed 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube solved in 20.09 seconds

slated in mainstream at 11:34 pm

Good gracious that’s impressive:

[link to video]

Video Description

Ryan Patricio achieving the current one-handed 3×3x3 Rubik’s Cube speedcubing world record during the Caltech Spring competition 2006.

Playlist 08/25/2006 - 08/26

slated in playlists at 6:41 pm

Ben Kweller – Different but the Same
Schuyler Fisk [listen]From Where I’m Standing
Ben Kweller – How It Should Be
Mike Doughty – Unsingable Name
Regina Spektor – Somedays
SiaBreathe Me

slated in moments at 8:16 am

power went out this evening for a couple hours. can be kind of fun when that happens.
had a nice shower in the dark.
my UPS backup beeped for a long while until I figured to shut it off.
can’t believe I’m not in bed yet.. well I will be shortly.
I’m feeling tens better as of this evening. It’s nice.
and looking forward to a good weekend.

25 August 2006 Friday


slated in moments at 11:31 am

*grr owwrrr ARr rooorrrrrooorrrhrr!* says my tummy…

and the rest of me says “yay!! bedtime! tired!! so much work done!! bed for me! bye!!!”

I'm not asleep.. not asleep am I.. hello.

slated in moments at 10:00 am

I’m still awake. Yippee.
Feeling good about what’s accomplished, but grrr to the blah that’s left to do.

Happy note: I’ve found the prettiest character entity reference ever.

over half past midnight and over half past August too

slated in moments at 7:43 am

*wants to sleep* but being out of commission for almost three full days+nights = double crunchtime or something of the sort.

24 August 2006 Thursday

less ow

slated in moments at 9:31 pm

Okay.. graduated to coughing fits of death. Yay.

Poor Pluto

slated in mainstream at 6:20 pm

The New Solar System (Pluto is now a "dwarf planet")

Can we seriously just demote Pluto like that? Pluto’s always been the littlest planet in our solar system. Our solar system. Our littlest planet. We loved it as our littlest, ninth planet. And now we’ve just outgrown its cuteness and decided we don’t need it as a planet anymore :-/

Now where we learned “9 planets and one sun”, kids in school will memorize a few more names when they’re learning the solar system: 8 planets and 3 “dwarf planets” — Ceres, Pluto, and “2003 UB313”/Xena.

I guess it works… Still seems a lil sad though…a lil dwarf planet sad.

BBC: Pluto loses status as a planet
National Geographic: Pluto Not a Planet, Astronomers Rule
Washington Post: Pluto Is No Longer a Planet, Astronomers Say

23 August 2006 Wednesday

Playlist 08/23/2006

slated in playlists at 10:07 pm

Blue MerleBurning in the Sun
Ben Kweller – In Other Words
Matt NathansonWeight of It All
Mark GearyGhosts (again)
Mat Kearney – All I Need
Matt NathansonSuspended

Ow subsiding

slated in moments at 6:43 pm

Recovering. Uncomfortable but becoming more functional. Reinforcements arrived and that’s relieving.
And I can drink water again. Amusing improvement.
This was a really really lousy experience. But can at least be educational. Clarifies friends. Even if you never need anyone.
Going to try to eat something

Everything is safely stored in the Archives