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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“People will fight for money, but they’ll die for a cause.”

Playlist pieces

I see so much magic though I missed it at the time


“It’s a silly time to learn to swim when you start to drown; it’s a silly time to learn to swim on the way down.”

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

20 September 2010 Monday

slated in as so, moments at 4:11 am

When guests are arriving soon for a party/gathering at my parents’ house, I can always mark it by the music that Dad will have turned on in the living room. It used to always be George Winston, which made me think of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now he nearly always turns on Josh Ritter, which I don’t associate so much with Thanksgiving/Christmas as I do with a hundred other things. They still add up to home.

15 September 2010 Wednesday

slated in mused, mood at 11:42 pm


29 August 2010 Sunday

slated in lyrics at 10:43 am

“Take me deeper past the lights
where nothing dims these stars”

28 August 2010 Saturday

slated in lyrics at 10:13 pm

“There were lights inside their eyes”

08 August 2010 Sunday

Playlist 08/01 - 08/08/2010

slated in playlists at 6:10 pm

Ingrid Michaelson – Soldier
Jukebox the Ghost – Empire
Arashi – Truth (Music Box version)

26 July 2010 Monday

slated in moments at 1:16 am

I am here

27 June 2010 Sunday

slated in consumed, moments at 10:34 am

Have been organizing and clearing some old files on computer and moving many things to discs; also organizing discs and coming across many memories.

Just refreshed my appreciation for Death Note (the anime, manga, and movies; all gold).

Also, watched Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog again; funness. But, while she is adorable, I am still really disappointed with the choice for female lead; she doesn’t display half as much character as the two other leads. Also unchanged is that several of the songs keep running through my head unendingly and will likely do so for another week or so (before going back to just occasionally, randomly), but that should be true for everyone who watches it.

*update: Actually, it got replaced rather quickly this time by the Man of No Importance soundtrack.. I liked the live production’s version better than the Original Cast Recording, but glad to find it anyway.

Have been reading mostly scifi lately, and quite happy with the books.

Have fully caught up on Naruto and have been rewatching more eps than I intended, but happy with all of it. I love Naruto (characters, stories, production, intention) more than ever.

Visited three different doctors’ offices in one day.

I think I am about to become a really big fan of rhodiola.

Waiting on three books, all parts of series, expected to be released in 2011 (although one might never be finished/published…ever).

I generally prefer paperbacks to hardcovers; I like my hardcover books, but I’m much more likely to carry a paperback out of the house than a hardcover.

I don’t know why it’s 3:30am and I’m not attempting to sleep. Falling asleep has not been an issue for me in years. Going to bed remains an inconsistent activity.

I really like (good) food. Oh, I enjoy eating some spicy stuff now — although I still prefer it with buffer of rice/bread/yogurt/cucumber or something or other to offset. Still do not eat wasabi, but I can see being a fan one day.

I’m very nearly at 300.

Many birthdays this week. But one.

We gamble all the time; we act as if we’re promised tomorrow. So much is assumed. I assume I will wake tomorrow; otherwise, I would not sleep now.

16 June 2010 Wednesday

slated in mood at 6:11 am


That face does not remotely convey the anger it should.

04 June 2010 Friday

slated in mused at 8:12 pm

I wasn’t afraid of being left alone, I was afraid of keeping him from someone I thought he might be fundamentally in love with. When I eventually met her, I wasn’t put at ease at all by her appearance or personality, but because I could see that, whatever and how much she was to him, he wasn’t in love with her.

31 May 2010 Monday

Playlist 05/2010

slated in playlists at 3:43 am

The Last Five Years soundtrack
The Rescues

Everything is safely stored in the Archives