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Playlist pieces

“If only you and I could trust each other through this,
then together we could work out who the enemy is.”

All I wanted was the truth


Recent comments

  • on

    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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Syndication is available in RSS and Atom flavors. Flavors like ice cream. Ice cream like happiness.

"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

23 October 2008 Thursday

slated in moments at 5:13 am

Sewing buttons!



Logos is home

slated in moments at 3:39 am

Logos is home!! Let’s get him settled back in… [written on Dani]
.. ~7:40pm.

floppy drive failure, which I’ll need to figure out, but that’s certainly acceptable for now… chkdsk running on a few drives… at first the monitors wouldn’t display.. which worried me… but seems fine now… the fans both work properly, including full control of speed on the one in back — this was NOT the case before.. windows finished checking disk “please wait while your computer restarts” ::waiting::

22 October 2008 Wednesday

at 2:08 am

feeling strange but good today. listened to great music on my mp3 player in the car, did a bit of exercise, consumed chocolate chip cookies, picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner and even ate a salad, laughed more than cried at greys anatomy (tho I cried too..).. I laugh really loudly and widely when there’s no one around. I like driving. I love good music. I like smiling and laughing. I like reading good writing. I love feeling. and so much else I have to leave out for one reason or another. today’s been a good day.

15 October 2008 Wednesday

slated in dreams at 8:05 pm

Last night I dreamt that I ran into an old friend, who’s important to me.. And it turned out he was sharing a dorm/apartment for the summer with Barrack Obama. It was surprising and amazing even in the dream, but in the dream it was real and true. But all of it was so pleasant and hopeful and good that even in the dream when I was going to bed for the eve, I knew that upon waking I would think it had been a dream, whether or not it had. It was a very good dream.

13 October 2008 Monday

slated in moments at 9:44 am

Much dreaming last night.
I need to ramble. I need to crash everything and reboot….without crashing things. maybe I’m crashing some things. or, more likely, letting things crash.
Too much at once… too much because it’s unfocused and unproductive things.
I feel like I’m battling my subconscious a bit. And my subconscious is subtle and sly with me.
I’m thinking.

09 October 2008 Thursday

Playlist 10/06 - 10/10/2008

slated in playlists at 6:53 pm

Jukebox the Ghost – Static to the Heart
The Jon Trowbridge Band – Distant Memories
Ari HestWhen and If

08 October 2008 Wednesday

Happy Birthday Danny o^_^o

slated in days at 6:34 pm

Hope your new year is filled with smiles and ice cream and dancing hamsters; free from stress and soda and other badnesses.
Looks to be a beautiful day, meanwhile. And it really does help keep the world on balance when you’re smiling.
Very Happy Birthday to you, Danny :)

04 October 2008 Saturday

Playlist 09/26 - 10/04/2008

slated in playlists at 11:12 pm

For Squirrels – R.O. (ForSupergrover version) [t61]
Merz – Lucky Adam [t61]
Plushgun – Just Impolite [t61]
Bon Iver – Skinny Love [t61]
Todd Kessler – Golden Bird [t61]
The Jakes – Texas Tea
The Moon and Monday – Incredible [t61]
Raven Parque – Man In The Moon [t61]
Raven Parque – My Monkey [t61]
Glory Winds [t61]
CJ Krueger – Island [t61]
Hallelujah the Hills – Nurses 5 Float Past [t61]
Flight of the Conchords – The Humans Are Dead [youtube] [via wintermute]
Jukebox the GhostGood Day
Matt Nathanson

26 September 2008 Friday

slated in molehills at 6:29 am


Playlist 09/23 - 09/25/2008

slated in playlists at 1:23 am

Jukebox the GhostGood Day [t61] [amiest]
RAC Maury remixes – Good Day [t61]
Owl City – Rainbow Veins
The Mountain GoatsSax Rohmer #1 [t61]
The Killers – Human [via]
Valerie Mih – Sacred Sound, Flow [t61] [amiest]

Everything is safely stored in the Archives