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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“If we cannot learn to …take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”


Playlist pieces

spent all of my life emptied of anthems, bracing for something that never did come


“I’ve been waiting for someone like you..breaking the circle..you..taking the light.. You, you are the story I should write…I have to write.”

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

23 January 2004 Friday

sleeping late: a lost art

slated in moments at 5:13 am

i used to be so good at this. i had a whole reputation on staying up to random, extreme hours of the night/early morning… and on the days i had to get up early, sometimes i’d do that. but regardless of being able to sleep in or not… it really is true that the healthiest sleep is in night hours, before the sun rises. i was never really able to do it… it was really really hard for me to sleep during anything called ”normal” sleeping hours.

so i’d be up til 3, sometimes 5, or 7am… doing stuff; sometimes productive, usually not at all. then i met this boy, who, for whatever reason, liked to sleep early. actually, it wasn’t even that.—he liked to wake up early. i’m talking ~7am, consistently, for no reason at all. even on saturdays! yes, well.. when one insists on waking up at that time everyday, one tends to sleep fairly early as well. Ten pm became ’late’. i had to keep up. but it was good for me; i ended up waking earlier than him in the mornings, and i really liked putting everything down/aside to get into bed around 8pm or 9… what ended up holding all that up, is the whole ”9pm starts night minutes on cellphones” thing. that, and the best tv shows are on from 8-10. sometimes even til 11. that all really puts a hinge in my diligent sleeping-early thing. and i was happy saying ’screw the tv’ for quite a while, also. and i slept early. and i woke early. and i was very pleased with it all…

and i’m starting to talk in circles now and i’m losing my lucidity, because you see, the time is now 1:46 pm and the thing and the point and the inspiration for this posting in the firstplace, is that in the past few weeks i have not been sleeping early. and in the past few days particularly, i have been sleeping rather late. old-characteristically late, almost. 3am the other night, i think.. 5:30am last night.. really not totally necessary.

so, as i’m listening to the sounds of someone sleeping soundly, i really wonder why i’m still up? sleep now, everything else later. i insist.

22 January 2004 Thursday

cny by end of this blog

slated in moments at 3:00 am

a pleasant chinese new year dinner. katrina more hyper than i’ve ever seen her. uncle h.c. drunk.. everyone cheery and more good food than possible to eat. happiness. past bedtime. one thing would’ve made this night perfect..but that’s true for every night. gosh. that means one day, all my nights will have potential to be perfect. wow. :happy: and gong xi fa coi!

21 January 2004 Wednesday

cny busy bee back for brief

slated in moments at 8:52 pm

wow! chopping spring onions can hurt too.
i just made sugee cake. i dunno what sugee cake is, but i just made it. i don’t know what sugee is, but i just made a cake of it. fascinating.
i doth need shower upon myself at once.

coffee's for bums

slated in moments at 4:38 pm

i don’t know how to make coffee. i really don’t. i know it involves water and coffee grinds and a filter. and a pot. i think i’ve done the ones that come in tea bags. but really… ’not a fan of coffee for myself anyway. today the people wanted coffee… and mom’s napping (she usually makes the coffee) and dad’s at work and din’t answer the phone when i called for help… so i made them hot chocolate. better than coffee anyway, right? especially positrim hot chocolate. yes. yum.

p.s. Tanjoubi omedetou to Haruna :)

busy like a bee on cny eve

slated in moments at 3:24 pm

so… i won’t be going into d.c. today… mom’s extremely upset that i was extremely inconsiderate to plan to do this today when it’s cny eve and, like everyone back in malaysia who’s all at kong2’s house, i/we should all be together here today… not in d.c. at an interview… she says she wasn’t paying attention when i cleared it with her days ago, several days in a row, before finally telling phil i’d be able to make it.

so i left a message on phil’s answering machine.
and hopefully i’ll get to take my shower sometime today.
mom’s going to take a 2-hour nap now…
i’m up here to put on pants and some underwear…
call my house if you’re looking for me.

and did that co-op phone conference really need to take an hour? no matter. i’m finished with antioch co-op. forever. yipee! (not that it was a bad experience, at all… but,) yipee!

a lil in-between time, on cny eve

slated in moments at 2:05 pm

alright.. a few minutes before my phone conference.. then i have to jump in the shower and be ready to go into d.c. for the second interview thing. really breaks up my day. hm. wonder if mom will be back from her errands to drop me there, by then. this is absurd.

anyway, this being chinese new years’ eve and all, and already evening back in Malaysia, my mother called her family (she talked with them last night as well) and let me talk with…pretty much all of them. i told Ee-Ee and Kong-Kong that next time i go i’ll bring someone with me… Kong2 said, ”good. you bring them here and we can chat and get to know..” quite cute. Jie Han may have some time off in March or so, with which he could possibly come visit here.. he’ll start uni/med school in England after that. Jun Hoe wasn’t at Kong2’s yet, but he’ll be going on the allwheeldrive trip up in Cambodia or whatever, in the next few weeks. spoke a bit with every uncle, and some aunties.. Alvin sounds like Alvin :) Alina sounds like Alina :) Christopher is out with his girlfriend of five years or some. the ’lil kids’ were playing football (soccer) out in the yard or something. it was nice being the sukoshiest bit in touch with them..tho so far away and impossible to really talk at all on the phone long distance.

hm. it’s 11:01am now and i haven’t yet talked on my reflections of family way over there, and especially on stuff from last night and how i’m thinking of my place in life and plans for near-future and else. ’think i’ll get to it? each thing as first must go. phone conference time.

rain check on this entry

slated in moments at 2:59 am

i want to write; to say a bit about today and what’s going on and what’s in my head/intentions and stuff, but i’m tired and i’ve determined that sleep now and work/other stuff later is better than the reverse. so it shall be tonight. i’ll write tomorrow. and all else.

20 January 2004 Tuesday

hold up

slated in moments at 6:50 pm

i really want to focus on this and learn through the process of creating my own site that i can really feel comfortable with as an online reflection of me… but that’s not really totally possible right now. i guess it will always be a bit questionable as to me really focusing on this.. but… thing is, i still have a few other much more urgent/pressing things to do. and on a side note, i’m not sure what to make of what will happen tomorrow. i… i’m not sure that starting work right now is really a necessary or ideal course of action for me. shrug if it works out, it works out, and if i’m there for a while without much movement, i know i’ll find myself moving on, one way or the other. okay, so back to the more urgent/pressing things to do…. i have japanese blogs to translate, and i have a paper to really dominate (i’ve promised away my first-born for this) and have out of my life, finally. permalink >>

slated in moments at 7:09 am

yeah…. i’m still awake. not for long, though!

slated in moments at 7:07 am

‘to whom it may concern’ (aka, wawson ). i’m leaving xanga. the ‘support’ is ridiculous; the ‘customization’ is frustrating, and the whole thing is becoming unsatisfying. i’m looking to move to a better blogging environment. :indignant: and :determined: if you’re interested as to where i’m running off to, stay tuned…

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