tag: film
The Chairs Scene
:: 03/16/17
August 22, 2008
:: 08/22/08
watched I Am Legend
:: 08/14/08
:: 07/13/07
Harry Potter movie
:: 07/11/07
dead man's chest
:: 08/28/06
Star Trek XI
:: 08/14/06
Julia Macnamara
:: 08/08/06
Beauty is in the soul.
:: 08/07/06
who you choose to be around
:: 08/04/06
would you like an aspirin?
:: 07/11/06
it all matters
:: 07/10/06
people can survive the worst things
:: 07/07/06
:: 06/30/06
Crash - feel something
:: 12/17/05
Pitch Black - Looks clear
:: 12/11/05
What the bleep do we know?
:: 04/25/05
Ender's Game the movie
:: 03/21/05
dinner tonight
:: 02/23/05
Everything is safely stored in the Archives