tag: quotes
Everything counts a little more than we think.
:: 03/17/17
Victory and Hope
:: 11/05/08
make the right things happen
:: 09/01/07
beware of weak men
:: 08/24/07
you can't depend on mirrors
:: 08/19/07
Can a man still be brave if he's afraid
:: 08/12/07
Alice - which way
:: 07/29/07
the risk to remain tight in a bud
:: 07/03/07
what you mean
:: 05/10/07
Quotes from The Sandman
:: 12/14/06
what's important
:: 08/23/06
wanting to be perfect
:: 08/06/06
aging is a privilege
:: 08/04/06
when you fall in love
:: 08/02/06
Bernard Meltzer - Forgive
:: 08/01/06
Last day in July
:: 07/31/06
it all matters
:: 07/10/06
people can survive the worst things
:: 07/07/06
long for the endless immensity of the sea
:: 07/06/06
hands over eyes
:: 07/05/06
definition of insanity
:: 06/28/06
Crash - feel something
:: 12/17/05
difference between men and boys
:: 06/16/05
things in life will catch your eye
:: 06/15/05
apathy of a generation quote
:: 11/11/04
Responses on the Nov.3 election results
:: 11/04/04
'Really displeased about the election results
:: 11/03/04
Everything is safely stored in the Archives