01 November 2006 Wednesday
… a few other hundred things also got done, but quite honestly I’m kind of not thinking so usefully at the moment.. won’t make it to 4am again tonight.. I think that’s okay though… should be good to go for tomorrow…. thank goodness for really helpful people, and thank goodness for really good people in general…. even if they unnecessarily freak out or otherwise seemingly keep out of place, they make the world a better place, and I am so glad for them.
regarding beantime: the three are not careless.. they’re calculative. but they’re from a different story, after all. the fates of today have different faces.. history finds the big strands easier to count, but the small strands cover everything and pave clear through the future. step back far enough, and you’ll see exactly where the ball will land. but you’ll be much too far to ever catch it.
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